Welcome to the Place to Mint some Mitch

This page is a project made with love by me Mitch (NOT WITH AI) where you can mint your own "Mitch Pins" as NFTs and help the IRL Mitch reach his web3 goals!

So... this is a NFT fundraiser?

Yep, you got me there. I am aiming to raise enough of that sweet sweet crypto to afford to become an Ethereum Validator. This has been a big goal of mine since I began in earnest my web3 journey in 2020.

But wait, there's more...

Each Mitch NFT that you mint on the following page will also net you a $MITCH token. $MITCH will have a variety of uses but the most exciting one will be that $MITCH holders will be able to control where the validator rewards are sent for one full year after the validator goes online.

Want to earn a cool 5-7% interest on 32 ETH you didn't have to buy and hardware you didn't have to run? Come and get it! Want to DONATE that interest to your favourite public good? OH HELL YEAH!🔥🔥

Show me the code!

If you're one of those code guys that likes to see what's under the hood before you get in the car then give a look and a like ⭐ to my Github repositories.

What's the deal with Mitch?

I imagine most of you visiting this page are my beloved friends, but if for some reason this bad boy goes viral I'll give you a brief history of Mitch and the madness of Mitch Pins.

The notorious 'Mitch Pin' phenomenom started back in 2013 with my friend Kyle, whom some of you might remember as this guy, took some photos of me from Facebook, made them into pins and started giving them away to our mutual friends, without my knowledge.

Hilarity ensued as more "Mitch Pins" kept turning up in progressively weirder places for the next decade.

A collection of geniuine mitch pins

Fast forward to 2020, I (Mitch) lost my career as a professional chef to the pandemic and began learning to code as a hobby, while escaping the city life to the jungles of Costa Rica.

I kept at it and the more I learned, the more I wanted to dive deeper. In early 2023 I finally dreamt up this project, Mint Mitch, that I could use to challenge my self-taught developer skills and accomplish my larger web3 goals

This is all made with love by me (Mitch), the smart contracts, the website, the artwork, everything! I hope you enjoy the Mitchs and buy a couple, thanks for reading!

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